Fenix Youth Project Inc.

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Check on Yourself

Your mental health and the energy around you should always be a priority in your life. Sometimes the things going on around us get to be too much, and we feel like we can't control them. If you're getting to that point or you are at that point, I want you to pause, and try out a couple of these tips to realign yourself.

Take a deep breath. It seems so simple, but it also can be extremely effective. The breath allows you to bring in positive energy while expelling some of the negative energy that seems to be holding you back.  

Take some time off of social media. I know it keeps you connected, but there is a lot of negative energy that can throw you off of balance if you allow it. I'm not saying cut it off cold turkey, but whether it be for an hour or a couple of days a break can do you some justice. 

This next tip I learned from my aunt, she's just a ball of positive energy and I've always questioned how. It turns out that every morning she gets up and she deposits a certain amount of positive energy into herself that is simply reserved for those who need it. As the day goes on, she gives off that positive energy until it's empty, and when she feels that she is drained she steps back to regroup. All of the positive energy that she has reserved for others may be gone, but she still has enough to keep her going even though she had to regroup so that she didn't let anyone else's energy affect her own.

Finally, if you are at the point of no return or you know that you are getting to that point don't be afraid to ask for help. As we all know a little help can go a long way, even if it is just a conversation that may last a few minutes.  

Remember if you're not checking on your mental health, no one else will. So, if you need some time away from others to regroup you take that time because everything that you plan to do starts with you.