Youth Voices

Matt's Journey to Success with Fenix Youth Project

Meet Matt, an inspiring young individual whose life has been profoundly transformed through the support and opportunities provided by Fenix Youth Project. Despite facing significant challenges, including housing insecurities, Matt has emerged as a leader, a poet, and a future college student.

Before Fenix Youth Project

Matt's early years were marked by instability and uncertainty. As a young adult, he struggled with housing insecurities that made it difficult to focus on his education and personal growth. The lack of a stable home environment took a toll on his confidence and sense of security.

The Turning Point

Matt's journey took a positive turn when he discovered Fenix Youth Project. The project provided him with a safe space to express himself and connect with others facing similar challenges. Through our various programs, Matt found his voice and began to explore his passion for poetry.

Empowerment Through Creative Expression

With the support of Fenix Youth Project, Matt started participating in local open mics, where he shared his poetry with the community. His powerful words and heartfelt performances resonated with many, soon to be earning him recognition and respect. Writing and performing poetry could soon became an outlet for Matt to process his experiences and emotions.

Leadership and Advocacy

Matt's dedication and talent did not go unnoticed. He soon became a leader of our Youth Action Board, where he worked tirelessly to advocate for the needs and rights of his peers. His leadership skills flourished as he organized events, led discussions, and mentored younger participants.

A Bright Future Ahead

One of Matt's most significant achievements is his acceptance to Salisbury University, where he will begin his studies in Fall 2025. This milestone is a testament to his resilience, determination, and the unwavering support he received from Fenix Youth Project. Despite the ongoing challenges of housing insecurity, Matt is determined to pursue higher education and make a positive impact in his community.

Matt's Words

"Fenix Youth Project gave me a voice when I felt unheard and a platform to grow when I felt stuck. The support and opportunities here have been life-changing. I am excited about starting at Salisbury University and continuing to advocate for others facing similar challenges."

Join Us in Supporting More Success Stories

Matt's journey is a powerful example of the impact that supportive communities and creative expression can have on young lives. This Summer Giving Season, we invite you to support Fenix Youth Project and help us continue providing essential programs that empower youth like Matt.

Donate today and be a part of our mission to transform lives.

Click Here to Donate and Support more young people like Matt.

Thank You for Your Support!

Message from our Youth Ambassador

Hi, my name is Tatiana Jean Baptiste, I’m 16 years old and a sophomore at Wicomico High school. I enjoy designing and creating new projects, I also love to take care of children and help the ones in need to the best of my abilities. Before I joined the Fenix youth Project, I found different ways to help people even if it's just a small deed it could just change someone’s life for the better. Ever since I was a kid, I would do fundraisers to help people in need no matter what the need. Joining the Fenix youth is the best thing I could’ve done. Everyone in the group is very positive and it’s a great safe place it's also a great way to meet new people. I believe that when you have an opportunity you should take it because in doing so you might just be able to help someone else. 

Interested in volunteering for the youth count? There is still time. Just call 443-736-8028

The Youth Count acts as an opportunity to connect with these youth to better learn about what we can do to help and connect them to initial supports and services.

What’s Youth Homelessness like on da shore?

It’s a growing issue and quite frankly we are behind in providing these services. Thanks to Wicomico Partnerships for Families and Children, Fenix Youth Project Inc. operates the only Youth Drop-In Center that provides resources to unaccompanied youth. Currently, right now we are serving 64 unaccompanied youth clients and their ages range from 16 to 24. Learn more about Fenix Youth Project Inc.

Where Do We Go Next?


The events of the 2020-21 school year—a global pandemic, calls for racial justice, and an unprecedented shift to remote school—have highlighted the challenges and inequities faced by many of America’s young people. To better understand young people’s experiences, America’s Promise Alliance and Research for Action conducted a wide-ranging, national survey of more than 2,400 high school students, providing one of the most comprehensive looks yet at the high school experience during a year of historic upheaval.

Overall, young people’s responses to this national survey suggest that:

Finding 1: High schoolers are struggling with a decreased sense of wellbeingreporting declines in mental health and concerning levels of disconnection from peers and adults.

Finding 2: Opportunities to learn about race and racism in the classroom vary but are associated with higher levels of critical consciousness and social action.

Finding 3: COVID-19 has upended postsecondary planning, yet feelings of postsecondary readiness are highest among students who are most connected to teachers and peers, have opportunities to discuss race and racism in school, and feel academically interested and challenged.

These findings illuminate several recommendations for school and district leaders to act on in both the immediate recovery period and afterward:

Recommendation 1: Address student mental health, now and on an ongoing basis.

Recommendation 2: Teach a comprehensive and accurate history of race and racism in the United States.

Recommendation 3: Prioritize postsecondary success through relevant content and pathways planning.

Recommendation 4: Saturate young people’s environments with caring adult relationships.