From The Desk of Audi - Week 3 at FYP


This week has been more focused on finishing up some projects. I am making the final touches to my PowerPoint presentation to present to the HALS COC meeting next week. As well as the annual sleepout on November 17th and town hall that is in a few weeks. Things are slowly coming together.

For my new project I have been working on creating a rough draft for host applications and contracts. The Fenix Youth Project has the exciting news of getting approved for host housing!

I have also learned about new policies that have been implemented that could and will affect the homeless population overall. Maryland Police Accountability Act of 2021 - Police Discipline and Law Enforcement Programs and Procedures and Maryland House Bill 189. The Accountability Act prohibits a police officer from preventing a citizen from recording the officer's actions if the citizen is otherwise acting lawfully and safely. Also learned that HB 189 is a Pilot Program in the Division of Neighborhood Revitalization to provide funds to nonprofit organizations to establish or expand mobile laundry services for the homeless. 

Iā€™m excited to learn more during my internship.