Message from our Youth Ambassador

Hi, my name is Tatiana Jean Baptiste, I’m 16 years old and a sophomore at Wicomico High school. I enjoy designing and creating new projects, I also love to take care of children and help the ones in need to the best of my abilities. Before I joined the Fenix youth Project, I found different ways to help people even if it's just a small deed it could just change someone’s life for the better. Ever since I was a kid, I would do fundraisers to help people in need no matter what the need. Joining the Fenix youth is the best thing I could’ve done. Everyone in the group is very positive and it’s a great safe place it's also a great way to meet new people. I believe that when you have an opportunity you should take it because in doing so you might just be able to help someone else. 

Interested in volunteering for the youth count? There is still time. Just call 443-736-8028

The Youth Count acts as an opportunity to connect with these youth to better learn about what we can do to help and connect them to initial supports and services.

What’s Youth Homelessness like on da shore?

It’s a growing issue and quite frankly we are behind in providing these services. Thanks to Wicomico Partnerships for Families and Children, Fenix Youth Project Inc. operates the only Youth Drop-In Center that provides resources to unaccompanied youth. Currently, right now we are serving 64 unaccompanied youth clients and their ages range from 16 to 24. Learn more about Fenix Youth Project Inc.